Blogs About Mindfulness
If I can’t sleep, should I take a sleeping pill?
If I can’t sleep, should I take a sleeping pill? Have you ever taken a sleeping pill or considered taking them to help you sleep? You are not alone. Large population studies in the US, UK and Australia have found that between 4-10% of adults have taken sleeping pills at some point to help them […]
Read MoreSleep well with the right attitude
Sleep well with the right attitude One of the most common causes of insomnia is worrying about not sleeping and trying too hard to get to sleep. The anxiety and effort associated with trying to sleep can create a state of “hyperarousal” which makes it harder to relax and fall asleep naturally. It is also […]
Read MoreHow to stay calm, and sleep well at night, during exam time
How to stay calm, and sleep well at night, during exam time Authors: Dr Giselle Withers Almost everyone gets stressed around exam time, but is your anxiety getting out of control, making it hard for you to study or get to sleep at night? During exam time the mind is often full of anxious thoughts. […]
Read MoreSleep problems in teenagers and what parents can do to help
Sleep problems in teenagers and what parents can do to help. Can’t get your teenager out of bed each morning? This daily battle is shared by many families and can be a source of frustration for everyone involved. Typically, adolescents want to stay up late and sleep in late, which is a big problem in […]
Read MoreTen sleep tips for teenagers
Ten sleep tips for teenagers. Written by: Dr Giselle Withers Are you a teenager struggling with insomnia, looking for ways to get some decent sleep? Or perhaps you are a concerned parent with a sleep deprived teen. Now, you could have always had trouble sleeping, or maybe it has only started recently. You’re wondering why […]
Read MoreCan’t meditate? The 7 main barriers to meditation and how to overcome them.
Can’t meditate? The 7 main barriers to meditation and how to overcome them. You’ve heard about the benefits of mindfulness meditation but just can’t meditate regularly. You are not alone! Here are 7 common barriers to meditation and how to overcome them. 1. I’m not doing it properly It’s very normal to worry about whether you […]
Read MoreSleep better with cbti – Does it really help?
Sleep better with CBTi: Does it really help? Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (CBTi) is a psychological and behavioural treatment for insomnia that has been developed and refined over the past 30 years by leading sleep experts around the world. The non-drug treatment involves learning core skills to train the mind and body to work […]
Read MoreBreak the cycle of insomnia by changing the way you think about sleep.
Break the cycle of insomnia by changing the way you think about sleep. Do you think a lot about sleep? Are your thoughts about sleep generally positive or negative? If sleep is on your mind, it’s a fair bet that you’re not sleeping well. Good sleepers tend not to think about much about it, as […]
Read MoreWhen the mind won’t stop thinking, just sit back and watch.
When the mind won’t stop thinking, just sit back and watch. If you’re new to meditation, then you’ve probably noticed how difficult it can be to stay focussed on the here and now. The mind wanders off all too easily. An endless stream of thoughts can take your attention in any number of directions, which […]
Read MoreMindfulness and Sleep. A Doctor’s Perspective.
Mindfulness and sleep: A doctor’s perspective Mindfulness training has been shown to help people with insomnia, and people with other types of sleep problems may also benefit. In the video below I asked specialist sleep physician, Dr David Cunnington, about when he recommends mindfulness training to his patients and how he explains mindfulness. Like this article? […]
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